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Sometimes other people dig your crazy ideas... I hope this is one of those times. My "You've Obviously Spent Time On Nantucket If" books have been seen gracing the back of better toilets in island homes since 2000.  (ACK't 2 and ACK't 3 came out in 2005 and 2010 respectively.) I came up with the Man from Nantucket Medic Alert bracelets and ACK LIFE MATTERS hats late last year. I hope you enjoy them. New products will be added shortly.

Make Nantucket Nantucket Again Hat


Make Nantucket Nantucket Again Hat

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MNNA hat 2.jpg
MNNA Hat front.jpg
MNNA hat 2.jpg

Make Nantucket Nantucket Again Hat


Paying homage to the days when we left our car keys in our ignitions, so we didn’t lose our keys. As with many of our products, we try to give a portion of the proceeds to worthy charities. With the “NAM”A hats, the proceeds will go to the Nantucket Island Safe Harbor for Animals, our island animal rescue and adoption center.

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